Oct 6, 2010

Trail Ridge

Trail Ridge 24x24 Oil On Linen
On a recent trip to Denver I had the opportunity to take a ride over Trail Ridge Road. This road is amazing. We started our eight hour trip accross the mountains at six in the morning. We reached the highest point at 12,183 feet. Along the way we saw several herds of elk avoiding the heat of summer. One of the most amazing parts was passing the tree line. The started getting shorter until what would be a massive tree now resembled a bush.

Friday I will be delivering this and another painting to The Gallery in chattanooga for their 2010 Western Show. Many of the gallery artist went on a trip to Alaska this summer. The opening will be October 15th from 5 til 8 pm.

Oct 5, 2010

Can't Get Enough

Can't Get Enough 16x20 Oil On Linen

A recent trip with my wife to one of my favorite antique stores inspired my new painting. We saw several gumball machines while walking the aisles. There were several different sizes. They had a huge round one which we thought would be funny if it had a monkey in it eating the gumballs. I often see hopeful subject matter and am then disappointed that I can't pay too much for something to paint. All of the would be subjects were way to expensive. Several days later my sweet wife surprised me with my own gumball machine. I decided the sock monkey that I bought the weekend of her graduation would be a perfect companion.